Calculate dH curves from MMASTER dH images, based on shapefiles of glacier outlines.

usage: [-h] [--glac_mask GLAC_MASK]
                                      [--outlier OUTLIER]
                                      [--pct_comp PCT_COMP]
                                      [--namefield NAMEFIELD]
                                      [--out_folder OUT_FOLDER]
                                      dH_folder basedem glac_outlines

Positional Arguments

dH_folder Path to folder with dH images.
basedem Path to base DEM to use.
glac_outlines Shapefile of glacier outlines

Named Arguments

--glac_mask (optional) raster of glacier outlines with unique values for each glacier
--outlier Value to use as outlier [None]

Coverage of glacier elevation range curve must cover to be included [0.67]

Default: 0.67


Field with identifying glacier name [RGIId]

Default: “RGIId”


Path to write csv files [.]

Default: “.”


Plot curves of dH(z) for each dDEM for each glacier [False]

Default: “.”