Find ASTER dDEM pairs based on area overlap, time separation.

usage: [-h] [--overlap OVERLAP] [--tmin_sep TMIN_SEP]
                               [--tmax_sep TMAX_SEP] [--imagename IMAGENAME]
                               [--datefield DATEFIELD]

Positional Arguments

footprints Shapefile of image footprints to read in.

Named Arguments


Amount of fractional area that should overlap to use as candidate pair. [default: 0.75]

Default: 0.75


Minimum amount of time (in years) to separate images [default: 2 years]

Default: 2


Maximum amount of time (in years) to separate images [default: 1000 years]

Default: 1000


Name of the shapefile field that contains the DEM filenames

Default: “filename”

--datefield Name of the shapefield field that contains the date information [None]